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Data sheet
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Fluke 190 Series III Scopemeter

Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter Test Tools are engineered to go where you go, and tackle just about any troubleshooting job along the way. These CAT III 1000 V/CAT IV 600V rated test tools
combine rugged portability with the high performance of bench oscilloscopes to help you take on the challenges of installing, commissioning and maintaining industrial machinery, automation and process controls, and power conversion electronics with ease, from DC to 500 MHz. Choose from two or four channel models with a wide range of bandwidth options. Fast sampling rates up to 5.0 GS/s, 200 ps resolution and deep memory of 10,000 samples per channel allow high-accuracy capture and display of waveform details, noise, and other disturbances.
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For Sale

In addition to our own product ranges, Scotia represents major instrument manufacturers and our internal sales team can be relied upon to source and supply equipment to your exact specifications. Our pricing structures are competitive and Scotia aim to meet your commercial needs.

Our external sales staff will advise on product application demonstrate equipment for your personnel and ensure your exact needs are met.